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This Halloween, spending time with your grandchildren can be more fun than ever. There are lots of Halloween activities that young and old can enjoy together. The holiday is a perfect time for grandparents and grandchildren to find things to do both indoors and outdoors.







Some activities that seniors and grandchildren can do together are:

Costume Making

If you are a senior that sews your grandchild may have lots of ideas for you this year. Many seniors remember their mothers or grandmothers making a costumer for them when they were children. While you create the perfect costume you can also describe your Halloween experiences to your grandchild. Maybe you could try bobbing for apples or making candy apples.

Make Halloween Decorations

It is a more popular holiday than it once was. Look for inexpensive materials to decorate your house. You can get together with your grandchildren and come up with a theme for both the inside and the outside. Younger children can help you with trick or treaters.

Spooky Stories

This is the perfect evening to lower the lights, light the fire and tell spooky stories. Your grandchildren will have their favourites and maybe you can bring back some old favourites of your own! Make some hot chocolate, decorate some cookies with pumpkins and enjoy your evening together.

Terrifying Movies

We all have our own favorite horror movies from years past. Ask your grandchildren if there are any Halloween themed movies they would like to see. Between the stories and the movies it should be a very spooky evening!

Enjoy your Halloween holiday with your grandchildren by carving pumpkins together, baking a pumpkin pie and indulging in other treats. Turn your home into a haunted house for the evening and play hide and seek. There are many activities that you can add a Halloween themed twist to. For more ideas on activities that grandparents and grandchildren can enjoy, click here.