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I love sharing great news! Especially when it will help our aging population. If even one person benefits from this new service, then it was worth the time to write and share! But hopefully many will be inspired and helped with this service aimed to help wandering Alzheimer’s or dementia patients.

We know that Alzheimer’s and dementia affects many people around the world. It is a scary and heart wrenching experience for both the patient and their families.

What can I share about helping Alzheimer’s and dementia patients?

Not only do they get confused and lost in time, but they tend to lose track of their surroundings. Music can be very therapeutic for Alzheimer’s patients as can enhanced surroundings.

However, sometimes no matter how hard we try patients can get lost. They wander without us knowing. Or perhaps we haven’t realized that they are actually at risk for wandering and getting lost. or we have realized, but somehow they have managed to figure out special door locks that are meant to keep them safe. They get out, get confused and get lost. What a scary feeling that would be again for both the patient and their families.

Now the exciting part, a new service to help with missing seniors. What a great idea! I had heard about Silver alert: being a public notification system in the United States to broadcast information about missing persons including on highway signs– especially senior citizens with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other mental disabilities.

But I had not heard of this Missing Senior Network.

The service is called Missing Senior Network

It is simple and free. Register your senior’s key information to help people locate them in the event the wander off. be proactive and keep your senior safe!