Senior citizen listening to orthodontist explanation of human teeth

Getting Ready: Dental Implant Prep For Seniors

As the golden years approach, many seniors face various health concerns, with dental health being one of them. The loss of teeth or severe dental decay can significantly impact...
Female Doctor checking to senior man patient eyes.

LASIK And Seniors: Safety And Efficacy Explored

Our vision tends to deteriorate as we age, and seniors often rely on glasses or contacts to correct their vision. However, many seniors are now considering more permanent solutions...
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every October, many charities hold National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is an annual campaign to raise funds for research and to find the cause and how to treat...

Can Everyone Please Stop the Rush to Rush the Seasons?

Anyone who enters a store in this country is usually surprised to see merchandise for sale that is applicable four months in the future.  The other day at Costco I...

Why Making a Family Tree Can Be a Heartwarming Experience

We often reflect on the past as we age and hit our twilight years. We think about the good and bad times and the people that impacted our lives....
Liver cleanse

So I got This Text From My Liver: Stop Sending Me all These Pills!

So I got This Text From My Liver: Stop Sending Me all These Pills! In elementary school they offered a class in home economics which taught us the art of...

8 Tips to Relieve Senior Insomnia

Just like everyone else, seniors have problems sleeping. Many seniors have trouble falling asleep or wake up after only a few hours. Some wake up continuously throughout the night...