Got aging parents at home?
Home Retirement Financial


Money, numbers, bills, bills, cost of living, new expenses, debt, savings.
Financial questions for caregivers and seniors can be quite simple yet seem endless.
Do you know how much money is available to provide care, if needed? Do you know how much homecare services cost? Do you know how much long term care costs?
What about end of life expenses, we don’t even want to think about that but we should. Who will handle these? Is there money for these? If not, who will pay?
Then there are senior scams all over the place. Seems like some solid financial advice is needed!

The increasing cost of living means it’s essential to make your money stretch further. Thankfully, if you’re aged 60 and over, there are a huge amount of over 60s discounts, deals and offers that can help you save money.  Travel Once...
In the realm of personal finance, it’s often the small, consistent habits that can make the most significant impact. And especially right now, where the average weekly income after taxes and housing cost for pensioners at the moment is...
Money is something that many of us worry about, particularly when pressure on household budgets is mounting. As we get older, these concerns tend to mount, especially if we’re faced with a choice between spending on ourselves and leaving...
No one wants to face financial hardship in their golden years, yet the reality is that many do. Imagine still working well into your 70s, your back aching, your energy waning, and your dreams of travel and relaxation fading....
Entering the peaceful era of retirement doesn’t mean bidding farewell to financial growth. The golden years can indeed glitter with prudent financial planning and smart investment choices. This journey begins with assessing one’s financial health, devising a personalised financial...
Estate planning is a crucial aspect of ensuring a smooth transition of assets to your loved ones. However, disagreements among family members can lead to disputes and even legal battles that can hinder the process. As a senior, understanding...
There are many important aspects of your pension that you need to know if you want to build the best possible pension pot for a comfortable retirement. Among these essential aspects is your annual pension allowance. So, what is it? How...
Many people can’t wait for their retirement. These are your golden years - time to do whatever you’ve been wishing and postponing doing most of your life. However, many people still look into ways to make an extra income...
Getting older means entering a life stage when you are going to experience a lot of changes. Perhaps you are approaching retirement age and looking forward to being done with work. Your body is also going through physical changes...
There is a broad, concerning reality when it comes to financial planning for minorities. Over the last ten years, studies have found that Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities tend to experience lower rates of financial literacy.  In terms of reasons...