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Question: Is everyone on somewhat of a “medical merry go round” these days?...

I think a  case can be made that we are a bit over-doctored as a society and that senior retirees, who have the most time on their hands to...
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How to Fight Wrongful Termination as an Older Worker

Have you been working for a company for more than three years and have been fired based on your age?  Well, it might be difficult to understand why they would...
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Budgeting Tips For Downsizing In Retirement

A report by HomeEquity Bank reveals that many seniors in Canada don’t want to downsize. But 76% of them say their demographic sometimes feels pressured to sell their homes, according...

Four ways for seniors to stay social during the winter

The cold and wet winter months bring with them unique challenges to the social lives of seniors. The shorter days and colder weather can limit the opportunities available for...
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The 3 Things To Know About Post Bariatric Surgery

Gastric bypass or bariatric surgery is becoming more and more common these days especially for seniors with diabetes. It has become a fairly routine surgery and can lead to...

How Long Does It Take For Your Body to Get Rid of Nicotine After...

Giving up smoking is a tedious task. Everyone has their own habits, making it difficult to anticipate the withdrawal symptoms precisely, but it is safe to say that most...
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Quick Tricks for Not Getting Sick This Winter

It’s winter again, and that means one thing: cold and flu season. And since our immune systems weaken as we age, we have to proceed into the season with...