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Family reunions are very popular during the warm weather of the summer. Gatherings can be held outdoors in a private location or a more public site can be rented for the occasion. This is a time for great-grandparents and small great-grandchildren to get a chance to meet, to spend time together. It’s a time for generations of family to create connections. Family reunions also take a lot of planning.

What activities can be planned for summer reunions?

Tell Your Family Stories

This is the time for you to bring out all the stories from your childhood, especially the funny ones. Grandparents can describe to their grandchildren what it was like to grow up in their era. Quite often, younger people have no idea what it was like to live in their grandparents or great-grandparents day and aren’t aware of the hardships they endured. It’s also interesting for them to find out that the internet hasn’t always been available and neither were televisions.


Create a Musical Playlist

Dig back into the decades of jazz, blues and big bands for your elderly relative’s favorite songs. Music is related to memory and you may find Aunt Liza and Uncle Frank reminiscing over time spent in parts of the world you didn’t know existed. Finish up with the more modern music that the young ones listen to now and you’ll see how the older music was a base for everything that came afterward.

Bring All of Your Photos

Many of us have photos from years ago that contain relatives we don’t remember. This is the time for everyone to get together and put name to those faces while remembering the camping trips and family gatherings. Young children love to see photos of their parents when they were young.

As much work as summer reunions can be, they are worth every minute of the time spent planning. Reunions are remembered for years afterward. To read more on summer reunion activities, click here.