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Seniors Lifestyle Magazine recognizes that January is Alzheimer’s awareness month so we would like to share this wonderful book.

This emotional and inspiring account delves into the daily struggle with Alzheimer’s disease that Bill shared with his mother and explores how he learned to be an effective caregiver for her. He also provides advice on recognizing the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s, communicating compassionately with your loved one, making your caregiving experience easier, and coping with the emotional repercussions of the disease.

Despite the terrible nature of Alzheimer’s, you can still connect on a deep emotional level with your loved one. Find out how Bill and his mother continued the fight and maintained the special bond they always had as mother and son in When I Go Home.

“When I Go Home” is the inspiring true story of a son’s loving care and devotion for his Mom, who has Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to the compelling narrative of their journey, learn about every aspect of the caregiver experience, including the author’s many insights into this disease. He demonstrates how to communicate more effectively both with and on behalf of your loved one with loving kindness, patience, sensitivity, and compassion. He encourages caregivers to take advantage of all available resources. He also shares his experience to advocate for more sensitivity, awareness and positive action on behalf of both the people who live with it and their loving caregivers.


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Bill Galea
Bill Galea is the author of “When I Go Home: An Alzheimer’s Caregiver Story of Love.” This book tells the inspiring true story of a son’s loving care and devotion for his Mom, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to the compelling narrative of their journey, he discusses every aspect of the caregiver experience, including his valuable insights into this disease. Bill demonstrates how to communicate both with and on behalf of your loved one with loving kindness, patience, sensitivity, and compassion. He encourages caregivers to take advantage of all available resources. Bill currently shares his wide-ranging experience to advocate passionately on behalf of those who live with Alzheimer’s and their loving family caregivers. He is committed to inspiring the public, government and business towards higher awareness, sensitivity, and compassion. In conjunction with achieving a heightened awareness, his intention is to create a more dynamic national commitment towards better comprehensive care, treatment and discovering a cure. Bill is a marketing consultant with a bachelor’s degree in political science from Montclair State University. In November 2016, he completed two (2) virtual and in-person caregiver training programs. Subsequently, he received both a Certified Caregiving Consultant (CCC) and Certified Caregiving Educator (CCE) certification from To contact Bill to arrange for a public speaking presentation on his book, you may e-mail him at