
Put Your Gloves On For More Possible Sibling Rivalry- Estate Issues of Course!

Duking it out seems to be the trend. Why does everyone insist on fighting?  Senior financial planning or lack of causes issues. We must have our estate in order! Just today...

5 Steps to an Easier Senior Move

1. Within reason, bring what is important to them. If they want to bring something instead of saying “NO” ask them why they want to bring it. One man wanted to...

Solution to Help Wandering Alzheimer’s or Dementia Patients

I love sharing great news! Especially when it will help our aging population. If even one person benefits from this new service, then it was worth the time to...

7 Tips to Reduce the Infamous Senior Moments

We all have them. Those times in the grocery store where we pay for our groceries and then leave the bags there. Walking into a room and totally forgetting...

Pets Move, too!

We had a lady who needed to move to a retirement residence as her life was falling apart. Her only son was dying, her husband had advanced Alzheimers, she...

As Executor Where Do I Start?

In our business, Executor Assists, we have discovered several things. Many people have never made a will, or have not updated their wills and sometimes the chosen executor has...
Upside Down scaled

The Great Escape! – How to turn a nursing home upside down

Anyone who has dealt with a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia knows that they like to escape. They have certain things that intrigue them and often become creators...