CBD in your Diet

Deriving from the cannabis plant, CBD is non-psychoactive and is claimed to have lots of health and wellbeing benefits. It has quickly become a popular remedy for lots of everyday ailments, ranging from anxiety to pain relief.

You can find CBD in all sorts of forms. More traditionally, there’s CBD oil and CBD creams, but you can also find more unique product offerings such as CBD tea and CBD coffee. Having so much choice makes it easy to implement into your routine, and many people choose to incorporate into their diet for complete flexibility. 

  • CBD Coffee And Tea

If you’re a lover of hot drinks, you could simply add your daily dose of CBD oil into your tea or coffee, allowing the delicious flavour of your drink to mask the earthy tones of the oil. To avoid the CBD separating if you prefer to enjoy your hot drinks slowly, you might find it works better if you add it to the milk and then pop that mixture into the coffee since the CBD oil can bind with the fat of the milk and help incorporate it better. This can be great for the evenings as it’s the perfect relaxing treat before bed and the added CBD will promote better sleep.

  • CBD Cooking Oil 

One great way to add CBD into your diet is to actually pop it into your meals. Salad dressings normally incorporate some form of oil, so why not use CBD oil which will not compromise the flavour since the other ingredients you use in the dressing will mask it. You could also add CBD oil into your food sauces too, being a potential addition to pasta sauce which already has a strong flavour. One thing to note is not to add CBD oil to anything that’s currently cooking on a high heat as it will destroy the active compounds. 

  • CBD Sweet Treats

Baking is a fun way to implement CBD into your diet, combining your favourite recipes with the health benefits. Making a batch of CBD brownies is a popular approach or if you’re new to the idea, you can find a whole host of CBD baking recipes online which are extremely easy to follow. You don’t even have to rely on just CBD oil if you’re not a natural baker; you can find CBD chocolate that could be melted and added to your mixture, use CBD gummies as decoration on top, or add the CBD oil into the icing.

  • CBD Fitness Supplements

Thanks to the increase in the popularity of CBD, more unique products have become available on the market. We have seen everything from CBD protein shakes to pre and post-workout drinks which are both infused with CBD. If working out and exercising are a big part of your daily routine, you may want to try and incorporate your CBD into this for maximum results. As well as being delicious, they can also promote recovery and aid with sore muscles so you can get back to the gym even sooner.