
Why I Will Never Keep A Diary

Every New Year I am revisited by the idea of keeping a diary, each time with renewed vigor. The thought is often accompanied by a sense of purpose and...

Senior Pedestrian Safety

Walking is good for us and as a major source of exercise for the elderly, senior pedestrian safety has to be taken into consideration. With the amount of traffic...
medication safety scaled

Senior Medication Safety: Handle With Care

Have you noticed that as you age, the number of medications you are taking begins to increase? This is a common story among seniors. Between high blood pressure, high...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Senior Independence Sign

Is Driving No Longer an Option? Read About Some Senior Driving Alternatives

For most seniors, driving is equated with freedom. When they get to the age where physical or mental impairment keeps them from driving, it causes a huge emotional upheaval...

Sandwich or Salad? Which is lighter?

Most of us have heard of the sandwich generation. We have mentioned it in some of our previous posts as well. We also know that today's sandwich generation is feeling the...

Cataract Awareness

Usually associated with aging, a cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens. They are the most common form of vision loss for those over 40 and the major...

August is Family Fun Month!

The last full month of summer is upon us and it’s not surprising that August is Family Fun Month. For many, September means heading back to school and a...