
Senior Technology Helps With Loneliness

Senior loneliness continues to be a staggering problem with many experiencing it not only during the holidays but all year long.  We know that senior loneliness can have deadly affects...

Aging Isn’t Always the Reason You May Not Feel Well

Many people just assume that as we age, we have more health issues. While that may be true in some cases, in fact more seniors are active and healthier...

A Caregiving Day: Poems By Those Who Care for Family Members and Friends (CareGifters)...

A Caregiving Day keeps you running. A Caregiving Day also keeps you feeling. In our book of poems, 15 family caregivers write what about what they experience in their moments. Our...

Check Out These 7 Great Ways For Senior Learning

As you age, learning new skills preserves the health of your brain. The act of learning itself improves cognitive functioning and keeps you sharp. The more unfamiliar it is...

The Successful Caregiver’s Guide (Eldercare Series) by Rick Lauber

You may be among the tens of millions of Americans who provide care for your parent — or you may be among the tens of millions who will. So many...

Is Everyone Aging Safely This Holiday?

As we wrap up this last business day before the holidays, we wanted to send a gentle reminder to everyone who may be visiting a senior loved one over...

Should Seniors Stay Active In Their Communities? Absolutely!

Many seniors and those of retirement age become bored after awhile. They may have health problems which keep them isolated or may not know many people in their own...