Supportive Care or Palliative Care?
When you hear the word 'palliative care' what comes to mind? It is a strange word that has a great deal of stigmatism. Senior illness may often lead to the...
Does Your Senior Need In Home Care?
As family and caregivers sometimes it is hard to know if your senior or older adult needs some kind of in home care. They may say everything is fine...
7 Essential Apps for Seniors
Now that you’ve made the plunge and bought an iPhone, tablet or Android device, what apps are out there that will keep you entertained and informed? Seniors are looking...
Senior Living Can Include Earning Your Black Belt In Your 70s
We talk about all the things seniors can do to stay healthy and active.We also know that it is important for seniors to stay active and be social to...
3 Things To Consider For Your 3 Choices- Desktop, Laptop or Tablet?
For some of us as we have aged, using a computer is relatively new. There are those who were in from the beginning (long before the internet) and others that...
What?? Dad’s Had a Stroke Series – Rehab Continues – Article 6
The 6th article in the Dad’s Had a Stroke Series under our stories section. Stroke Rehab.
So Dad has been here at stroke rehab for more than a month now....
Going Above and Beyond Senior Financial Planning 101
Some people have had financial planners in their lives for many years. Others have never considered it for a few reasons. Financial planning needs change as you get older. That...