
36 Billion Dollars Lost to Senior Scams

Senior scams continue to be an ongoing problem nationwide. It is suggested that in the US alone, 36-40 billion dollars a year is lost to senior scams. Money that...

Deadly Effects of Senior Loneliness

We spend our entire lives living and loving. Or we should. But it is becoming more and more often that seniors are spending too much time alone. Senior loneliness...

WOW! Finally Compensation for Caregivers?

For years now, there has been little to no support financially for family caregivers. Yet we always hear that wherever possible it is best for family to care for...
Writing Regrets scaled

How To Resolve Misunderstandings And Avoid Regret When You Die

I have heard many times in my life that guilt and regret are wasted emotions. So I guess my comment would be then why are they so common in...

Finally An Explanation On Why We All Age Differently!

After running into an old friend from high school, you go home and look in the mirror. Your friend was easily recognizable after all these years but she didn’t...

Put Your Gloves On For More Possible Sibling Rivalry- Estate Issues of Course!

Duking it out seems to be the trend. Why does everyone insist on fighting?  Senior financial planning or lack of causes issues. We must have our estate in order! Just today...

5 Steps to an Easier Senior Move

1. Within reason, bring what is important to them. If they want to bring something instead of saying “NO” ask them why they want to bring it. One man wanted to...