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At some point a loved one may no longer be able to live on their own, either due to illness or just because of age related difficulties. Assisted Care Homes or also know as assisted living facilities, care for seniors who need help with some of their everyday activities such as going to their appointments, cooking, dressing, looking after their housekeeping and other tasks.

Besides the above, what should you look for when choosing from many assisted care homes for your loved one?

  • Personalized plans, 24-hour support and access to care, health and medical services

It’s important that in any senior care assisted living home that is chosen, your loved one will always have someone nearby or on call that can help them if needed. Depending on their health, different levels of care should be available.

  • Exercise and wellness programmes

In order to continue living well and make the most of their remaining years, being involved in physical activities and other interests is important and should be available in the senior care assisted living home.

  • Social and recreational activities

Just as with the above, it’s important that your family member has opportunities to meet others. Moving into an assisted care home is a big change for them and being able to share their time with others will help the transition go more smoothly.

  • Friendly staff and happy residents

Take a look at the staff and see if they are stressed or overworked. Do they interact with the residents in a pleasant way and take the time to help them? Do the residents appear cheerful and spend time together?

  • Healthy meals that follow necessary diets

Drop in at mealtime and check that the residents are receiving meals that are healthy and if they are on a special diet, ensure that the diet is being followed. Are the meals substantial enough? Do they have snacks available throughout the day?

  • A clean, safe, comfortable environment

This should be near the top of your list. Your loved one deserves a clean, well maintained place to live, where they will be safe and comfortable.

  • Emergency system in place

All assisted care homes should have a system in place for residents in case of emergencies. In most homes this is also noticeable on signs in the building. Check that the home you choose has your loved one’s best interest at heart when it comes to their safety.

Make sure your loved one takes a good look at the senior care assisted living facility with you and agrees with your choice. After all, they are the one who will be living there! Help them personalize their room or apartment and make it into a home.

Download a free checklist on what to consider when looking for an assisted living facility here