Like any major change in our lives, the thought of downsizing creates a variety of emotions. For some, relief and excitement. For others worry and despair. Acknowledging the feelings and emotions around downsizing may help us manage that major life change.
What emotions may be associated with the thought of downsizing?
Where do I start? There are many things that you and/or family may feel when you think about downsizing.
Uncertainty: Where might you go? What will you be able to take? What will you do with everything else? Will you be happy there?
Letting go: It is difficult to move forward with the change, if you aren’t able to let go. Like uncertainty, you may be feeling that you are so comfortable where you are, how can you possibly like a new place? You may be used to certain things associated with your home and don’t want to let go and think about something new.
Sadness: Many tend to become emotionally attached to their home. It is filled with not only things but many memories. And you may feel if you give that home up, you are losing things and memories.
Anger/Frustration: When you moved to your current home, you may have felt that it was your last move. Now, because of physical, financial or plain old common sense, it is necessary for you to move again. This can be frustrating but may cause anger.
How do I manage some of these downsizing emotions?
Talk about it. Share your thoughts and concerns with your family and friends.
Don’t fret. Just like when you have moved before and had many of these emotions, look how you overcame them and ended up loving your home. That can happen again.
Look at the positive. Think about how this downsizing may make your life easier, alleviate stress for your family, make you better physically and/or financially.
Get help. There is always a way to make downsizing easier. So ask and look for help!
Overall, you need to understand how you are feeling. Acknowledge those feelings. Assure yourself that it will be okay. Appreciate that change can be exciting and exhilarating. Affirm to yourself that you will be okay!
Downsizing really can be a time of strain but also beauty. Talk, think and share your feelings and look forward to looking back and realizing how much this change benefited you one day.