Got aging parents at home?


Money, numbers, bills, bills, cost of living, new expenses, debt, savings.
Financial questions for caregivers and seniors can be quite simple yet seem endless.
Do you know how much money is available to provide care, if needed? Do you know how much homecare services cost? Do you know how much long term care costs?
What about end of life expenses, we don’t even want to think about that but we should. Who will handle these? Is there money for these? If not, who will pay?
Then there are senior scams all over the place. Seems like some solid financial advice is needed!

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Introduction: As seniors approach the age of Medicare eligibility, it's important for them to take some steps in order to prepare for their transition into the program. One way to do this is by reviewing their Medicare plan and making...
Having recently become a father, this Tax Day has been a little different for me than in previous years. Intergenerational wealth – or the wealth that parents will pass on to their children one day – is top-of-mind. So, I...
Do you think you are too old to buy a property? Let us say that you have clocked sixty years and want to buy a new home. Should you assume that everything will work the same way compared to...
University education is a key step in the journey to fully-fledged adulthood, and something of a rite of passage for students – particularly over the last 40 years, as higher education has further cemented itself as an equitable opportunity...
That the UK is suffering an unprecedented cost-of-living crisis is nothing new. The rising costs associated with energy, food and fuel have been well-documented, with millions of families plunged into poverty as a result of unsustainable rises to the...
When a child is born, it's natural for parents to want to protect their future. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in life insurance. Life insurance can provide financial security and peace of mind...
Many people can’t wait for their retirement. These are your golden years - time to do whatever you’ve been wishing and postponing doing most of your life. However, many people still look into ways to make an extra income...
Once you have retired from active working life, it becomes more important than ever to look at protecting the wealth you have accumulated over your lifetime against both inflation and recession. These twin economic forces serve to devalue both...