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Many of us have drawn up formal wills, either through a lawyer or on our own with witnesses. If we should become incapacitated or die before we have everything in order, our relatives, friends and beneficiaries may not have the answers to some of their most important questions. Quite often a will tells them only who you would like to bequeath items to from your estate. But how are they to know where certain things are, who you would like to take care of your pet and the answers to many other questions?

This is where The Beneficiary Book solves the problem. It is an interactive organizer which you can fill out over the years with the important information that your beneficiaries will need. The 8 sections cover every aspect of your needs and wishes after you pass away. Let’s take a closer look.

Personal and Medical Information

Section 1 is all about you, your family and your ancestors. Here you can list the family medical history, which some members of your family may not be aware of. Your healthcare documents can be included along with organ donor information, immunizations and health insurance. Also in this section, add information for each member of your household, including those who don’t live with you. This area should be kept updated frequently.

Read First

This area is where beneficiaries look for information on what to do immediately after you have passed away or if there is a medical crisis. Who should they contact? Where can they find your most important documents? What are the telephone numbers of your emergency contacts? This is where they’ll find the answers to their immediate questions. There is also a section in this part of the book where you can list all of your important phone numbers.

Your Final Arrangements

Many of us don’t have a chance to tell our loved ones what our final wishes are in regard to our estate and burial or cremation. This is the place to leave the details so they can be followed up on. You can also list any questions you will have in regard to your estate and those you would like to ask members of your family. If possible, discuss areas of this section with your family and if you would like to, give away some of your personal possessions during your lifetime.


Banking information, credit card numbers, accounts to be closed or left open – most of us have a long list of personal financial information as well as financial obligations and it can be kept all in one place. Do you have securities such as stocks and bonds? Long-term care insurance? Income which will have to be claimed on your taxes? If it has to do with your finances, this is the spot for it. Remember to keep copies of current statements with this information.

Your Inventory

Provide a list of the contents of your home. Include jewellery and other valuables, some of which may be in a safe deposit box. Also keep a list of your vehicles and your warranties here. If possible, take videos or pictures to accompany your inventory.

Business Information

If you own or run a small business, there will be information that your beneficiaries will need. All documents, papers and tax information relating to the business can be listed in this section.

Confidential Information

Gather all of your passwords and PIN numbers for banking, credit cards and your computer. These may change frequently so will have to be updated periodically. Your key inventory and combinations should also go in this area. Remember, this information is privileged so only allow a special few to view it. Keep it stored in a secure location.

All the Rest

Whatever you have left over, that you know will be need to be addressed, should be left for this section. Who would you like to take responsibility for your pets? Are there things in your home that you have hidden away that will need to be found? What further thoughts do you have for your friends and loved ones? Included here is a section for disaster planning.

The Beneficiary Book has it all and if you really want peace of mind and to have all of your affairs in order, it is a great way to start early, work with your family and ensure that you have all of your information where it should be.

For more details on the book, click here.