As adults, we’ve all struggled to manage our sleep habits and constantly try to figure out where they fit in our work-life balance, but it only gets worse as we grow older. The more people age, the more their sleep habits change. You might have noticed how your grandparents tend to sleep for longer than the average adult, and that’s because they need it.
But what happens when you need the sleep but insomnia keeps haunting you? Whether you’re an older person looking for advice or someone looking to help an elderly parent, you’re at the right place. Let’s talk about all the things that would help seniors get better sleep.
Sleep Problems Caused By Age
When you’re older, you don’t just get insomnia but a whole range of sleep issues that need to be dealt with. Problems like light sleeping are common and cause you to feel more sleepy during the day, and things like your illnesses or chronic pain keeps you up at night.
Get the Right Mattress
Using the right mattress for your age is essential if you want to be sleeping well, and there are countless that would sooth your chronic back pains so you can sleep better. This is why things like a memory foam mattress will help, but any high quality mattress will do as long as you do your research and find out what’s comfortable for you.
Consider things like the firmness of the mattress you prefer, but keep in mind that as you grow older a firmer mattress might be more suitable since they provide better support through the night. This can prevent joint pain and soreness from keeping you up at night and have you waking up feeling refreshed and energized.
See Your Doctor
If you have any health conditions that aren’t letting you sleep well at night, your best course of action is to involve your doctor in the situation and see what they can do for you. This may involve working towards pain relief options and maybe some treatments for coughing and breathing problems, and it may include sleep medicine.
As a senior citizen, sleeping well is something you need to seriously worry about. There’s no room for compromise, and it would be a mistake to assume that you can just power through it like you did when you were younger.
Skip the Caffeine
Anything that messes with your sleep schedule is a big no when it comes to dealing with insomnia and sleeplessness at any age, but even more so when you’re past the 50s. Skip the caffeine, the cigarettes, cold drinks, and anything that’s capable of doing that.
Replace these beverages with things like calming teas and maybe some detox water that will help your body function well past its prime, and notice how different things feel.
Set a Schedule
You must have noticed a lot of other older people doing this while you were growing up, and now it’s your turn. When you’re going to develop a habit of sleeping and waking up at the same time everyday, yoru sleep quality will significantly improve.
This is because your internal clock will be able to adjust according to your new routine and have the chance to get used to a consistent schedule and rhythm.
Make sure you avoid things that would make it harder for you to fall asleep, like taking too much stress, heavy food that might be hard to digest or give you heartburn, or any sort of disruption in your sleep schedule.