Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Talks to Late Night Phone Calls from Aging Parents scaled

When Aging, Insecure Parents Call For Whatever

It’s getting late, like around 11 pm when you’re supposed to be either watching the news or already in bed with a book or listening to music and nearing...
SLM Tips for Caregivers scaled

7 Tips to Help Make Caregiving Easier

Caregiving means leaving behind the life you had and embarking on a totally new style of living. You are essentially putting your life on hold in order to be...

Hearing The Same Thing Over And Over? Be Patient And Listen

In my geriatric practice one of the complaints of families is how often their loved one tells them the same thing over and over. They use that symptom as evidence...
SLM talks to Hypertension scaled

Alarming Rates of Hypertension in Seniors

More than half of all seniors have it: hypertension, better known as high blood pressure. Blood pressure is actually an overall view of your general health, particularly of your circulatory...
SLM Medical Alert Bracelets scaled

Top 8 Reasons for Getting a Medical Alert Bracelet

People make sure that their loved ones stay safe by getting them a personal emergency response system or a medical alert bracelet.  These systems call emergency personnel at the...
SLM Drivers License scaled

A Parent Facing The Loss Of Their Driver’s License

One of the biggest challenges your parent may face is the impending or actual loss of the ability to drive, or the loss of the driver's license. Some elders have...
SLM Independence Driving scaled

Driving the Car: A Major Symbol of Independence for the Elderly

How many years have your parents been driving? Maybe 40 years? Fifty? Sixty? However long, just like for all of us, it’s a major symbol of independence for the elderly. It’s...