Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Senior Living Homes Talk
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Senior Living Homes Talk

“Who will pay?” is a question we ask ourselves many times throughout our live about many things. Schooling, weddings, bridal and baby showers, funerals. A wide range of key life events. Yet many of us still aren’t comfortable talking about the expenses of senior living homes? Funny because we all know we are aging and so are our parents and grandparents. So chances are the conversation should take place sooner rather then later. Agree?

Why is talking about senior living homes so important?

We invest in RRSP, RESP, pension plans and health benefits while we are adults. But are we planning for what might be the inevitable? And even if we are lucky enough to never need to go into any kind of senior living arrangement chances are we will need to modify our existing home or a family member’s to live there into our old ages. Or arrange for in home care to assist us.

If we talk about it now and do some initial research on our state or province, we can save ourselves a great deal of anguish down the road.

  • We won’t be shocked by pricing or availability.
  • We won’t be shocked at the account balance or lack of.
  • We will know what options we have for ourselves and our seniors.

So why not start talking?

  1. Alleviate future stress
  2. Put everyone in the family on the same page
  3. Come up with a plan that everyone can live with
  4. Sleep better knowing there is a plan
  5. Gain invaluable knowledge

See original article specific to one state however applicable to most of us one day!