Got aging parents at home?
There are plenty of opportunities to save for your future, and congratulations if you have some savings vehicles in place. An essential aspect of an effective savings plan is to ensure that it is balanced in saving and investing...
The only annoying part of traveling is packing. Most people don’t like packing and repacking their clothes and other things, but they love to travel. But to make packing an interesting part Rains backpack are best. Packing in old-style...
Children are just little balls of energy in human form. That’s why playing sports with them is such a good activity — it directs that energy into something that’s fun for everyone. As you get older, it’s harder for...
Currently many families are facing a financially challenging time. In fact, many Canadians 55+ are looking for a solution that can enable them to provide financial support to their loved ones whose employment and income have been impacted by...
Many of you have probably never heard of a document called A Letter of Intent. Well it’s a really helpful thing you or you with a partner can work on together–– even if you have wills or a trust.  A...
Surviving the death of a partner will be one of the hardest times in life. Let’s not make it be harder than it needs to be. During an emotionally devastating situation,  process your grief without worrying about things could...
It has been quite the year for everyone, but one group has been impacted by the COVID pandemic in ways they never could have imagined: graduates. They spent more time in front of the computer than in the classroom and...
Image Credit People have different reasons for starting up businesses in their 50s and 60s. You may be looking for a way to keep busy in retirement. Maybe you finally have the chance to pursue something that you've always been...
To procrastinate: delay or postpone action; put off doing something One of the things I’ve found during this crisis is that I have rediscovered and am now channeling my inner procrastinator. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve...
Image credit Most likely while going to work every day, ideas come to mind of other things you would like to do. Now that you're retired, make a list of volunteer opportunities you would love to be involved with and...