Got aging parents at home?


Money, numbers, bills, bills, cost of living, new expenses, debt, savings.
Financial questions for caregivers and seniors can be quite simple yet seem endless.
Do you know how much money is available to provide care, if needed? Do you know how much homecare services cost? Do you know how much long term care costs?
What about end of life expenses, we don’t even want to think about that but we should. Who will handle these? Is there money for these? If not, who will pay?
Then there are senior scams all over the place. Seems like some solid financial advice is needed!

We will all face retirement someday (a fact); thus, saving is the only way to safeguard the future. The money will come in handy when you aren’t in a position to work anymore. However, saving demands a lot of...
Health care is one of the biggest expenses that can affect your retirement budget. The costs continue to rise, and this is why it is important to take the necessary steps to reduce your out-of-pocket health costs. Keep on...
When a child is born, it's natural for parents to want to protect their future. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in life insurance. Life insurance can provide financial security and peace of mind...
Why move when you don’t have to? Today, our aging population, the largest growing demographic, requires all of us to think and plan for our independence – our quality of life as we age. Our society’s infrastructure will be challenged...
Preparing financially for your retirement is a lifelong project. That should not make you feel intimidated, rather it should make you realize that you have some time to figure things out. But there are certain goals that you should...
Do you think you are too old to buy a property? Let us say that you have clocked sixty years and want to buy a new home. Should you assume that everything will work the same way compared to...
Retirement is an exciting time in anyone's life. You've worked hard and are now looking forward to a time of relaxation and spending time with the people you love the most in life.  Still, in today's society, having enough money...
Enhancing your retirement portfolio is crucial. It ensures you have funds to support yourself and maintain your financial freedom in retirement. However, this won't happen overnight. You must start investing now to build a financial future.   You can add various...
Last month Mortgage Trends received an email from a distraught client who had just received a letter from his mortgage lender letting him know his mortgage maturing in just five months would NOT BE RENEWED!             Another family complained that their mortgage...
If you're entering retirement or recently retired, you may be worried about money. Many seniors find it hard to adjust to the fact that they're no longer receiving a steady stream of income. House flipping can be a great...