questions to ask about surgery
questions to ask about surgery

Patients and their loved ones should always ask questions to understand their treatment better and feel more secure in the treatment decisions. Below, we’ve compiled some good questions to ask your doctor about an upcoming surgery to learn more and make an informed decision.

What Is the Operation, and Why Is It Necessary?

First, if the surgeon or doctor hasn’t thoroughly explained it already, ask what the operation you or your loved one is for. You need to understand what the operation is and why your doctor recommends it.

If you already know the recommended surgical procedure before a meeting with the surgeon, consider looking up the surgery online to learn more before the meeting. Have them explain why this surgery, in particular, is the best treatment option as opposed to other surgical procedures or treatments.

How Will the Surgeon Perform the Operation?

Also, ask how the surgeon will perform the operation and their experience with the procedure. It may be stomach-turning for some to hear about the details of surgery, but it’s important to know what the plan for the procedure is.

You should also ask about the surgeon’s experience with this specific procedure. Ideally, they’ve performed this procedure many times, but if not, you may want to consider a second opinion.

Are There Other Treatment Options?

An important question to ask about an upcoming surgery is if there are any treatment options that would avoid surgery and the benefits and risks of those options. This question is crucial because while the recommendation may be for surgery, it may not be the only option.

If you’re apprehensive about an invasive surgery, you shouldn’t feel like it’s your only option if it isn’t. Ask about treatment options and if it’s possible to start treatment first, see how you react, and then opt for surgery if the results aren’t positive.

What Are the Risks, Benefits, and Potential Complications?

You should also ask about the benefits, risks, and complications that could result from the surgery. The doctor explaining potential risks and complications is an important aspect of informed consent in health care that you should know about.

If there are complications or risks to the surgery that you didn’t know about before the surgery, you could find that the doctor breached your right to informed consent. It may be frightening to think about how the surgery could go bad, but you must understand all the risks and benefits before making an informed decision about whether the surgery is right for you.