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The debate over the health benefits and risks of coffee has been ongoing for decades. There are those who insist it is bad for your health and will only drink decaffeinated or tea. But for those who love their java, they can’t get enough of it and the connoisseurs can tell you not only where to get the best beans but also how to make the best coffee! As we age and look into what is best for our health, should we be drinking coffee?

The Benefits:

  • Coffee drinkers have shown a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
  • It has an antioxidant that helps to prevent damage to your retinas. This protects your vision.
  • Coffee consumption has been proven to be effective at fighting Parkinson’s disease.
  • Caffeine helps you to form memories and recall them.
  • Some may have a lower rate of depression, at least for women. Further studies are now being done and it may be the same for men!

The Risks:

  • The effects of caffeine can be harmful if you have certain conditions. These include ulcers or gastritis, diabetes and osteoporosis. It is acidic and may aggravate stomach conditions.
  • It is a diuretic, meaning it removes fluid from the body. For those who are worried about dehydration, drink lots of water if you also drink coffee.
  • Some antibiotics and other medications can cause negative reactions if taken with caffeine. When you’re given a prescription, discuss this with your healthcare provider or your pharmacist.
  • Excessive consumption of coffee can lead to addiction. Many of us are familiar with the withdrawal symptoms such as irritability after trying to cut back on coffee drinking.







Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant. Not only it is in coffee but you’ll also find caffeine in tea, colas and energy drinks. Like most things we eat or drink, moderation is the key word when it comes to coffee. To read more on the good reasons seniors should drink coffee, click here.