Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana

Popularly known as cannabis, weed, and pot, the consumption of marijuana for medicinal purposes is now legal in various states of the US.

According to Medical Marijuanas Doctors, the use of medical marijuana is still illegal in various countries outside the US. It is, however, still used by people alongside other psychoactive drugs such as meth, cocaine, and heroin to relax or get high.

Psychological Effects of CBD and THC

The two natural components found in the cannabis Sativa plant include cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC causes several psychoactive effects on the human brain whereas, CBD is considered safer than THC as it does not cause intoxication.

Both components found in marijuana can play a vital role in changing an individual’s mood and brain activity. Health experts are still skeptical about the future of marijuana as a natural alternative for curing depression and other mental disorders.

Short Term Effects of Marijuana for Depression 

Short term use of marijuana has the following psychological effects.

  • Limited proof for treating anxiety and stress
  • Inconclusive evidence of effects relating to depression
  • CBD and THC are known to stimulate paranoid thoughts and anxiety in varying amounts
Long Term Effects of Marijuana for Depression 

Using marijuana for prolonged periods can result in several psychological problems as described below.

  • There is evidence to support that consumption of marijuana leads to schizophrenia and related problems.
  • Some evidence supports a relationship between marijuana consumption and suicidal feelings.
  • There is increasing evidence to support a relationship with depression.
  • There is no scientific evidence to suggest that marijuana can reduce depression symptoms.
Benefits of CBD for Curing Depression in Seniors

In different parts of the US, where consumption of marijuana is legalized, CBD oil and CBD infused products can be easily bought and used. CBD is commonly available in sprays, creams, tapes, oil, and capsules.

Researchers reveal that unlike THC, CBD is safer to use as it does not cause intoxication or any other psychological problems.

The FDA approves the use of CBD oil in the treatment of several mental and psychological illnesses. However, more research is still required regarding any severe side effects of CBD.

CBD as a natural alternative for curing depression 

The use of CBD as a natural alternative in various medical treatments has become quite popular over the past few years. And marijuana itself has become well-known due to its healing properties.

CBD is believed to be a popular natural alternative for curing anxiety and depression without causing any severe side effects. According to health experts, CBD is one of the compounds of the 200 cannabinoids extracted from the marijuana plant. It can aid in relieving the symptoms of depression to a great extent.

It can boost the production of serotonin and dopamine

Researchers reveal that CBD can help in controlling the symptoms of stress and depression. It has been proven to work favorably by balancing the levels of chemicals produced in the human brain including serotonin and dopamine.

It can reduce the symptoms of different neurological disorders in seniors

CBD can also help to reduce the symptoms of different neurological disorders experienced by seniors such as Alzheimer’s and dementia in elderly people. Research suggests CBD be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of epilepsy, seizures, and multiple sclerosis.

It can aid in alleviating stress and restlessness 

CBD creates several soothing effects on the body and can aid in alleviating stress and restlessness caused by depression.

CBD does not cause weakness, drowsiness or fatigue 

Unlike THC, CBD does not cause weakness, drowsiness, or fatigue. However, it is not recommended as a replacement for antidepressants.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), CBD does not contain any properties that cause addiction.

Recommended Dosage of CBD for Curing Depression in Seniors

Ideally, it is advisable, to begin with, a smaller dosage of CBD and gradually increase it. For treating depression and anxiety, CBD should not be consumed more than 10 mg in a day. Before using CBD for curing depression, it is recommended to consult a psychiatric or a GP first and check whether or not it can lead to any severe side-effects

To Wrap Up

Marijuana is still illegal in various states in the US. It is legal to use medical marijuana for treating some specific diseases. It is only allowed to prescribe if other medications and treatments for curing a particular disease have been prescribed earlier. Also, it can only be purchased by showing a valid medical prescription.