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CBD Laws

There’s a growing demand for CBD around the world, especially as research uncovering its massive range of medical benefits continues to grow. However, CBD International Laws can get confusing. Although there are still strict restrictions against cannabis in many parts of the world, hemp-based CBD products have made it legal for many people to get their hands on it.

People in North America won’t have much to worry about. Laws around medical cannabis are becoming much more liberal across the United States, and cannabis is now fully legal in Canada. The Farm Bill in the USA also makes hemp products freely available across the country. Many European countries are also very loose about cannabis and hemp laws.







It’s now easier than ever for people to buy and use CBD in many forms. However, laws do vary from country to country and even within countries. This makes the legality of CBD confusing for many. Here’s a guide on CBD and International Laws to help.

Guide To CBD

Before delving into the laws of CBD, it helps to know what it is and why people use it. Cannabis and hemp plants are made up of over 100 chemical compounds, known as cannabinoids. When these cannabinoids are extracted from the plants and consumed by humans, they give the body a range of interesting effects.

This is why you’ll find CBD in a number of health products. You can now buy CBD Oils, Edibles, Topicals, Vape Cartridges, and many other kinds of products. These can be used to treat various conditions and symptoms, or just as a general supplement for overall health benefits.

CBD can reduce pain and inflammation, treat seizures, reduce anxiety and depression, help you sleep better, and clear up skin problems, among other benefits. It can also prevent the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and various other serious problems. Due to the massive benefits it has for the human body, CBD is becoming a popular method of treatment across the world.

CBD can be extracted from both hemp and marijuana plants, hence why laws can be tricky. There are still strict laws against marijuana in many parts of the world, which also makes CBD products made with marijuana illegal.

On the other hand, hemp-based CBD products are much more widely available. These are generally seen as food products, although they carry all of the same cannabidiol benefits. The only difference is the plant they come from. Hemp products have 0.3% THC or less, so they won’t make you high or give you any psychoactive side effects.

United States CBD Laws

USA has some interesting laws on CBD, especially as each state has differing laws on cannabis. There are now 10 states where marijuana is fully legal. There are also 33 states where marijuana is legal for medical use. This includes cannabis oils. What’s more, some states make exceptions for patients with certain conditions to use CBD Oil, providing the oil has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD.

While cannabis-based CBD Oil laws can vary from state-to-state, hemp-based CBD products are much more available. In the past, states such as Texas barred the use of CBD. However, recent changes to The Farm Bill make hemp products much more legally available. You can now use CBD in all 50 states, providing the product comes from hemp and has less than 0.3% THC.

This makes it legal to buy all kinds of hemp-derived CBD products. For instance, Just CBD Store sells a range of CBD products made with hemp. This includes CBD tinctures, gummies, vape cartridges, doobies, and a lot more. You can legally buy and use any of these in all 50 states.

Canada CBD Laws

Canada has very loose laws on cannabis and CBD. Across the country, you should have no problem using any kind of cannabis product. Recent changes in the law from 2018 make it legal for adults 19 years of age or above (18 in Alberta and Quebec) to buy cannabis in all forms.

You’ll be able to find cannabis oils, edibles, and other products with high CBD in stores across the country. Some provinces currently have more stores than others. The only requirement is that you have proof of age.

Using hemp-based CBD products is even easier. The use of industrial hemp has been legal in Canada for decades. This means you will have no problem buying hemp-based CBD products. All in all, Canada CBD laws are very liberal and you shouldn’t have any trouble finding and buying CBD in any form.

United Kingdom CBD Laws

The UK still has strict laws against the use of cannabis. Cannabis is a Class B drug, meaning there are strict penalties for those who possess, grow or distribute the drug. This also makes it hard for people to use cannabis oils. However, there are some exceptions.

Recent legal changes in November 2018 allow medicinal cannabis for some patients. Cannabis-based medicine Epidiolex should soon be approved for use in the UK for patients with epilepsy. Certain patients should also be able to use cannabis oils.

However, despite the strict laws on cannabis, hemp-based CBD products are much easier to obtain. In fact, the legalization of CBD in Canada has spiked a growth of CBD use in the UK. CBD is technically not a controlled substance in the United Kingdom. This means that, as long as oils and other CBD products have low levels of THC, they are legal for anyone to use.

CBD Oils, Vape Products, and other forms of treatment are available to buy in stores across the UK. These are generally made from hemp, so there are no legal barriers to stop people from obtaining them.

Reports show that CBD use is growing fast in the UK. The use of CBD doubled between 2017 and 2018 according to estimates from The Cannabis Trades Association UK. It is also expected to grow by up to 700% and the CBD market could be worth $2.1 billion by 2020.

Australia CBD Laws

Unlike the countries above, Australia has strict laws on both cannabis and CBD itself as a substance. In fact, up until 2017 CBD was a schedule 9 drug. These are drugs that are only legally allowed to be used for research. In other words, CBD was categorized with drugs like heroin and MDMA.

A change to the law in 2017 lowered CBD significantly to a schedule 4 drug. While it is still publically unavailable, it is legally available to patients with a prescription. However, it is still very hard for Australians to use CBD. These prescriptions are only given out in very limited circumstances.

Further legal changes in 2018 made certain hemp products legal, albeit still with restrictions. Products made with hemp seed oil are seen as food products and therefore not illegal. Products should only have 75 mg/kg of cannabidiol or less and THC levels of 50 mg/kg or less.

This makes CBD laws a bit murky in Australia, although citizens of some states may find it easier to use hemp CBD products. As the popularity of CBD grows worldwide, it’s likely it’ll also become bigger in Australia.

Netherlands CBD Laws

The Netherlands has some of the most unique laws regarding cannabis, CBD, and other drugs. The country is well known for having a very relaxed attitude towards cannabis. In fact, you can even order cannabis joints and edibles in places such as coffee shops.

Amsterdam drug laws define cannabis as a soft drug. Henceforth, the use of cannabis products is widely tolerated and you won’t get prosecuted for using cannabis oils (or even strains and other products). They’re sold in many places, although only to adults with proof they are over 18.

Interestingly, hemp extract is illegal in the Netherlands. Changes to The Opium Act in 1999 allow the use of hemp for fiber hemp products. This enables the growth of hemp plants with THC contents of less than 0.2%. However, the production of CBD remains illegal as it involves extraction from hemp plants.

However, CBD products are tolerated providing they have 0.05% of THC or less. You can find CBD products in certain health stores and online shops. However, you will most likely need to find THC-free CBD products. While the laws are murky, you should have no problem using CBD products in Amsterdam providing they fit certain guidelines.

Jamaica CBD Laws

Jamaica is another country known for having a huge cannabis culture. In 2015, Jamaica legalized the medical use of marijuana. This allows both citizens and visitors to obtain marijuana with permission from a doctor. Many tourists even visit Jamaica to sample their marijuana.

You also won’t have much of a problem using CBD Oil in Jamaica. Considering its low levels of THC, it is not seen as a harmful substance and is available for purchase in many places. The use of CBD Oil is growing in the country for treating pain, seizures, neurological disorders, psychological disorders, and various other issues.

However, CBD Oil can be hard to find in various parts of Jamaica. While it is legally produced, there aren’t many stores which sell affordable, premium CBD products. Visitors may even have an easier time finding cannabis than CBD products.

Switzerland CBD Laws

In Switzerland, drugs are controlled under the Swiss Narcotic Act. But while this covers various substances, CBD isn’t one of them. This makes CBD products available for sale and use in the country.

However, cannabis products in Switzerland must contain less than 1% THC. This means you should not have a problem buying and using treatments such as THC-free CBD Oil. Growers are also able to grow certain high-CBD strains, providing they have very low THC levels.

CBD products are sometimes labeled as medical cannabis in Switzerland. They are often sold in tobacco stores.

France CBD Laws

Cannabis is still illegal in France (albeit the illegal use of marijuana is still high). But while you won’t be able to grab your favorite cannabis strains, the laws on CBD products are much more relaxed.

Laws in France allow the use of cannabis products which contain less than 0.2% THC. This allows for the sale and use of various hemp products. You can find hemp-derived CBD Oils, topicals, edibles, and other such products with low levels of THC to use.

However, the laws around CBD in France are still complex. According to a report from Connexion France, many CBD stores in France face pressure from the government. Despite hemp CBD products being technically legal, many local governments still question the legality of these sales. This means you may have a hard time getting CBD in France.


Many countries in Europe allow for the sale and use of CBD following restrictions by the European Union. EU regulations allow the growth of certain cannabis plants, providing they don’t exceed a THC content of 0.2%.

While cannabis laws are still very strict in most of Europe, many countries allow for the sale of hemp CBD products. For instance, medical cannabis products are popular in countries such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, and Luxembourg.

The laws can vary from country to country. However, most places in Europe will allow you to buy CBD products. These must have high levels of CBD without exceeding the 0.2% threshold of THC. Most producers use hemp extract instead of marijuana extracts to create these products, making them more legally available.


The knowledge and popularity of CBD is growing fast across the world. Countries like Canada and the United States are leading the way, with many places in Europe and the rest of the world following suit. While you’ll still have a hard time getting cannabis in many countries, hemp products are much more legally available. However, you should always check local CBD laws to ensure you’re within legal boundaries.

You may also need to avoid traveling with CBD products in many cases. Many places will allow you to travel with THC-free CBD products. However, those which use cannabis extracts may cross some legal boundaries.

Those in the USA will find it easy to buy and use CBD. In addition to being sold in many stores, you can also find hemp CBD products online. These are legal for purchase and delivery in all 50 states with no legal restrictions.

Learn more about the process of growing cannabis yourself by checking out GreenBud Guru.