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Retirement Activities That Are Affordable

Seniors look forward to the day they can finally retire. They know they’ll finally have lots of time to spend on their hobbies and leisure activities. But retirement can...
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Helping Your Grandchildren During a Divorce

Children are often stuck in the middle if one of your adult children gets a divorce. For grandparents, this time can also be a minefield as you are trying...
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Items To Be Left In Your Home When Selling

When you are selling a home it is handy to have a list of items that are to remain in the home so that no mistakes are made.  A...
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The Dangers of Sleep Aids for Seniors

Difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep becomes more common as the years go by. We may get to sleep and then wake early, only to stay awake for...
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Are Herbal Supplements Safe for Seniors?

Some of the words used to describe not only foods, but supplements are natural, organic, “green”, herbal and botanical. While many seniors quite often add various vitamins to supplement...
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How Do You Treat Your Parents?

With an aging population many of us have parents who are elderly. A lot of older adults are just about to become seniors themselves. Most of us don’t put...
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Spend Your Savings or Leave an Inheritance?

Many seniors are at odds with others over the question of money. Should they spend what they have saved over the years or should they pass it on as...