A Doctor’s Diagnosis – Open, Honest Communication Is Essential
If one is a geriatrician, a good part of one’s practice is focused on individuals either living with dementia or concerned about having symptoms that might be dementia. It...
What Is the Art of Living Longer?
Life is diverse. Each millisecond is filled with sound, texture, color, movement and emotions – trauma, love, joy and sorrow – and all of these things come at us,...
Top 5 Reasons a Pet for Seniors is a Good Idea
Not only can pets be cute and cuddly, they can improve senior living.
Here are 5 great reasons why a pet for seniors is a good idea!
Getting Out and Exercising –...
Getting Siblings on the Same Eldercare Page
When is the last time you had a really serious, really focused face-to-face meeting with your sibling—or make it siblings—about caring for your aging parents? A while ago? Long...
3 Things You Can Do Each Day To Have An Amazing Day!
Talk to any success or inspirational coach or leader and they will say the same thing as far as what the most important thing top leaders do to be...
15 Ideas to Deal With Senior Vision Loss
By the time we reach 65, approximately one in three of us has some type of vision problem that reduces our ability to see properly. The three most common...
Why Asset Protection Planning? Because You Worked Hard
Maybe you took a small amount of money and turned it into a fully-functioning business. Maybe you inherited the business from somebody else, then worked tirelessly to make it...