And You Thought the Sex Talk Was Tough….
All of us at some point in our life went through the uncomfortable but necessary sex talk. Some of us had to hear it from our parents, others gave 'the...
Staggering Issues with Senior In Home Care
A recent study shows that many Americans do not live close enough to an in home care services which means one of two things. They have to stay in the...
How You Feel About Aging Says Something About You
Here at Seniors Lifestyle Magazine we like to say "Getting Older is Getting Better." We believe that because with the right insight, information, inspiration and resources anyone can graciously...
Give Me an ‘A’ for Senior Technology !
Some would say that seniors often feel intimidated or unsure about technology. When new trends in tech emerge, it can often feel unfamiliar if we didn't grow up with it. But at Seniors...
Getting Older Is Getting Better Revealed!
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine really believes that "Getting Older is Getting Better." We are always excited when we read articles about seniors or hear others talking about just that. Aging is a natural...
How Do You Treat Your Mother As She Ages?
As part of the sandwich generation, sometimes it feels truly overwhelming raising our families and caring for our parents. Even when they are still independent sometimes their aging really...
Stay at Home Longer Seniors! New Senior Housing Act
I think it goes without saying that most seniors would prefer to stay at home as long as possible if not forever. Home is where the heart is. Home is...