Got aging parents at home?
Financial fraud is when someone deceives you in order to take anything of value. This can include money or property. Financial fraud committed by a stranger quite often is done under guise of selling you something. It will look...
Elder Abuse Ontario will join communities locally, regionally, nationally and across the world to heighten awareness of elder abuse. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) focuses our attention on the need for all of us, to take responsibility in...
Sexual abuse of the elderly is rarely mentioned and very misunderstood. For many seniors, sexual abuse occurs without their consent. It is quite often happening without their knowledge. Many seniors who are sexually abused have Alzheimer’s disease or other...
Falls can result in hip fractures, head injuries or even death. In many cases, those who have experienced a fall have a hard time recovering and their overall health deteriorates.             According to, recent statistics show that: ·         More than 40% of people...
Physical abuse against the elderly is anything that causes injury or physical discomfort. It can take place in their own home, out in their community or in a residential home for seniors. Physical abuse can include hitting, shoving, kicking...
Psychological abuse of the elderly includes verbal or non-verbal acts that take away their dignity. It lowers their self-worth and threatens their psychological well-being. Psychological abuse also includes emotional abuse and any attempt to intimidate or make a senior...
Protecting your accounts online is a must in this day and age. Having only a password to login to your accounts isn’t enough anymore with all the hackers trying to steal your identification.  You need to have a two-factor...
Older people are over three times more likely to suffer a fracture when falling on vinyl floors than if they landed on carpet and other low-impact flooring, a study reveals.             Research from the University of Otago, New Zealand, found that...
Grandma and grandpa don’t typically come to mind when most people think about substance abuse, but senior addiction has become a growing problem. According to data from the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), nearly half of...
The UK population is, on average, getting older. Naturally this means there are more older drivers on Britain's roads. In fact, in the UK there are 1.2 million full licence holders in their eighties, 100,000 in their nineties and...