Got aging parents at home?


Money, numbers, bills, bills, cost of living, new expenses, debt, savings.
Financial questions for caregivers and seniors can be quite simple yet seem endless.
Do you know how much money is available to provide care, if needed? Do you know how much homecare services cost? Do you know how much long term care costs?
What about end of life expenses, we don’t even want to think about that but we should. Who will handle these? Is there money for these? If not, who will pay?
Then there are senior scams all over the place. Seems like some solid financial advice is needed!

For seniors who have been paying for life insurance for a decade or more, their policies could now be reaching a point of high profitability thanks to their generated cash value. With the cost of living rising to the...
While it may be uncomfortable, you are going to need a will for when you pass away or if you are ever incapacitated. This is especially true if you have children or possess many assets. One of the kindest...
Seniors, especially those who are isolated, tend to become victims of fraud or financial abuse. Telemarketing scams are common.  Financial abuse from friends, relatives and others who are in a position of trust can also occur. Quite often the...
Retirement opens a new door of possibilities you can take advantage of to pursue a new lifestyle. Learn five financial tips on what to do after you retire. Retirement is a new stage that brings different options to change and...
Congratulations on finding love again and deciding to remarry. Seniors are remarrying in record numbers. Perhaps your divorce  occurred when you were in your 50s, 60s, or even later, or your marriage may have ended with the death of...
For seniors who are thinking of downsizing or relocating in retirement, the question always comes down to rent or buy. Some seniors may be selling their family home and others may have rented for years but still the question...
A common concern for many retirees is running out of money during retirement. Unfortunately, there is a reason to be concerned. Healthcare costs are high, people are living longer, and other issues are present. Also, the best financial planning...
When a child is born, it's natural for parents to want to protect their future. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in life insurance. Life insurance can provide financial security and peace of mind...
A memorial service and funeral should be meticulously planned. Funeral planning can help your family and friends to grieve more effectively. You should write down your final wishes in your estate planning documents so your funeral can be thoughtfully...
Great question! There is so much uncertainty these days on the various pension plans (or lack of) amongst various countries. The CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) has been under debate for decades now. So the question of the day is,...