Got aging parents at home?


As if caregiving and growing older doesn’t already provide additional things to be thinking about, the idea of legalities crops up. No one really enjoys talking about this stuff but we will try and make it easier. We want to empower both caregivers and seniors to take charge and feel good about the decisions they have made or need to make.

Tax season is here. Some seniors have their income tax prepared by a tax preparation company For those who do their own taxes make sure you don’t miss any deductions. Using tax software can help but check to see...
ESTATE LIQUIDATORS RELIEVE OVERWHELM It takes a team to liquidate an estate; it’s too much for one person to do.  So why not let professional estate liquidators help you?             Trying to take on estate liquidation alone is an exercise in frustration...
Many seniors are at odds with others over the question of money. Should they spend what they have saved over the years or should they pass it on as an inheritance? At one time it was more common to...
Even if you aren’t a caregiver for your elderly parents there may come a time when financial issues have to be discussed with them. Sometimes seniors aren’t able to handle their money as well when they age. Often this...
Recently we discovered an article published by The Globe and Mail, ‘Seniors taking out mortgages – is it ever a good idea?' By Diane Jermyn. The article follows a senior couple who are considering accessing funds locked up in...
Seniors, especially those who are isolated, tend to become victims of fraud or financial abuse. Telemarketing scams are common.  Financial abuse from friends, relatives and others who are in a position of trust can also occur. Quite often the...
Many people are told to “Have an estate sale” and some people are horrified at the thought of having 100s of strangers walking through the family home. Is an estate sale a good idea? I just read about a lady...
When it comes to Estate Planning, it is crucial that you consider the issues that may arise after you have moved on. On top of all of our responsibilities, it may be difficult to set aside enough time to ensure...
What is senior financial health? We always talk to physical, emotional and mental health but what about financial? The number of seniors in North America is increasing yearly. Do these seniors feel well financially? Surprisingly, seniors, which include those 50 and over...