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bigstock Time Expression Clock Theme 44088211 scaled

It is the ‘best of times’ for health care – Canada has some of the best health care professionals in the world, as well as the best, most advanced technology, medicines and treatments. And our longevity has never been as great. In fact, for the very first time in history, Canadians over the age of 65 years and over outnumber those 14 years old and under. And this over 65 years of age population is growing.







Unfortunately, is also the ‘worst  of times’ for Canadians, as our health system has not kept pace with the needs of Canada’s aging population. Some of you already are experiencing challenges, frustrations, in having your needs met or, a parent, spouse, other family or, know of friends’ challenges. The gap in seniors’ care will only widen, as our population continues to age and we live longer. Seniors are/will be living with multiple chronic conditions, that will not only challenge seniors themselves, who will require not just more medical care, but also assistance with some or, all their daily living activities. Seniors need appropriate housing, more resources, more care options, in many cases 24 hour residential/institutional care and their caregivers need much support, education. Currently, seniors’ spouses, children, family, friends are handling these challenges. Without improvements, we are/will be “all” impacted. And the increasing physical, mental, emotional, and financial burdens on everyone currently caring for a senior, is and will continue to be exhausting and causing families, caregivers’ to experience their own health problems, adding to their stresses and worries. This in turn, will place yet more stress on an already stretched-thin, underfunded, under resourced health care system.

However, patients, caregivers are not alone with these concerns. Health care professionals, our front-line providers, also know, only too well these gaps, as they see senior patients’/caregivers’ needs, daily. Yet even they are unable to provide or, suggest  options of a health system that just does not have the right options. At best, they can suggest inconsistent, siloed, fragmented, un-integrated solutions, which must be frustrating to those who took the Hippocratic Oath “to do no harm” .  Our health providers know that Canada-wide we do not yet have a comprehensive, integrated, senior care strategy. Our health professionals know Canada’s has an urgent need to adopt an immediate, comprehensive approach to seniors’ care so our health care system can remain sustainable.

The CMA – Canadian Medical Association,  know because we, Canadians, told them in a survey which they conducted in 2016 when they requested “us” (who pay for our health care, through our taxes) to prioritize our concerns for seniors’ care in Canada.

So far, 52,267 Canadians have voiced their concerns and the CMA has compiled our concerns to initiate a “Demand A Plan” movement on behalf of all Canadians. Demand A Plan set forth recommendations for a National Senior Care Strategy and the CMA has presented it to government (those managing the health care system, develop Canada’s health care policies and allocate funds to health care). However, the CMA cannot advocate for us, alone. Change will not occur, unless we VOICE our concerns and join the CMA in advocating for the recommendations outlined in Demand A Plan.

Remember, we are all directly impacted and are currently/or, in the future, will have to deal with significant personal consequences if the government  does not act to adopt our recommendations. If you have already supported, voiced your support for these recommendations to be adopted by our government, please share this email and Demand a Plan, with your family, friends, who may not yet be aware of this initiative. If you have not yet lent your voice to these please open the following link, get informed and follow the steps to make your voice count and influence changes to our system.

It’s YOUR time to let our elected officials know what YOU want our health care system to look like.

Remember, “What you allow is what will continue”.