
Symptoms and Causes of Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. If you have joint pain and stiffness, it could be arthritis. The two most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. If you...
periodontal disease

Periodontal Disease In Seniors

The frequency of dental problems shoots up in people over the age of 60. The most common oral ailments include gum disease, plaque and gingivitis, or gum recession. If...
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Piano Study For The Older Adult

Abstract: Studying piano as an older adult presents special challenges and joys for both teachers and students. This article examines both from the perspectives of Kelly Zuercher, resident pianist...
bucket list

Top 10 Bucket List Ideas For Today’s 50plus Generations

For many of us who fall under the category of 50+ (and young at heart!) one of the most popular topics of conversation is “Bucket Lists.” We’re not sure...

Donating And Selling Your Items

Your home might have extra ‘things’ that you aren’t using, and could certainly be re-loved by someone else in need in your area. What is worthy of donating, and...
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Signs of Stroke in Men and Women

A stroke is an interruption in the blood supply of your brain. It can be caused by a sudden blockage of your arteries or by a burst blood vessel...

How CBD Oil For Arthritis In Dogs Works

The sometimes-cruel nature of life’s natural aging process can also affect our canine companions and they are prone to contracting some of the same illnesses we do in our old...