Moving into a new residence quite often means downsizing. For many seniors who owned a family home, a smaller home, apartment or senior residence fits their time of life much better. Getting rid of many used up and old belongings is easy once you get organized. But there are also many memories in some of our belongings and these can be difficult to part with. Some of us probably start early and realize before the age of 65 that we no longer need to buy new things. Why not use up what we have? It’s time to use the good china, wear the dressier clothes and quit fussing over the furniture. Wondering about cost?
How can we make it easier to downsize to a smaller home?
- Give things away. Maybe your newer home won’t have room for all of your wall art. Do you have children or grandchildren who would just love some of your vintage items? How about a friend who loves to read and would appreciate receiving a box of loved books. Decide which things you really need and want to especially have around you. Moving is the time to get back to basics and surround yourself with just your favourite possessions.
- Take your time. Organize your packing and sorting by areas or by rooms. Make sure everything is in the proper space to start. Try not to get distracted. Do one dresser at a time or one cupboard. Leave a whole day for books and treasured items.
Once you’ve moved, you’ll appreciate the time you took to get organized. You’ll have fewer belongings, more space and more time to enjoy everything. To read more tips on downsizing, click here. If you live in the Durham region or the GTA in Ontario and need help, consider contacting Strategic Property Solutions, one of our amazing partners!