
As we age, many of us decide to downsize. Downsizing involves moving to a smaller living space, a smaller house, condo or apartment. If we’ve been living in our present home for many years we’re likely to have accumulated a lot of “stuff”, belongings we don’t really need. We’ve rarely used them and most likely never will. While getting rid of our belongings seems difficult, we need to decide what we’ll really use and which things we love too much to part with.

What steps should we take to downsize comfortably?

How much space?







Decide just how much living space you will need and what type of home you prefer. Do you want to buy a house or do you like the idea of renting? If you are on your own will you need an extra bedroom for guests or relatives? Some of us would like to have an extra room to use as an office or den.

What furniture do you really need?

That comfortable armchair for reading? Consider it a necessity. You may want to sell or donate the dining room table that rarely gets used. It was made for large gatherings and is something you should consider parting with. Take only the necessary furniture that you don’t want to part with.

Everything else.

We all tend to have books and wall art, decorative accessories and a host of other small things spread throughout our homes. Difficult decisions lie in the more personal items. Some of us can’t part with our books but have no problem getting rid of vases or paintings. Personal items that may hold sentimental value are particularly hard to give away.

Take your time downsizing. You need to be happy with the home you choose. Take your time, make your new place homey and settle in.  Consider costs. To read more tips on downsizing from a professional organizer, click here.