SLM Senior Travelling Snowbirds scaled
SLM Senior Travelling Snowbirds scaled

This is the time of year where snowbirds start their migration! Seniors travelling to warmer places in the winter are more common then ever. Wouldn’t you want to be in a warmer place if you are exposed to crazy, cold winters? I would! I personally look forward to having the snowbird status!

You need to have a checklist of things you need to get done before you go. Think about your home, family and any other obligations you may and what needs to be looked after while you head down to warmer, sunnier days!

Seniors travelling need to do some preparation. And while the preparing for some may seem daunting, just think of the end result. Before you know it, you will be basking in the sun and not worrying about shovelling snow.

Seniors travelling is so exciting and provides many, health benefits so sail away and enjoy!

The warmer climates can provide much needed relief to many ailments.

If you can’t get away for the entire winter, check out some other winter destination ideas here…

Make the best of your time down south by checking out this original article with 20 great tips to get ready to snowbird.