fibromyalgia scaled
fibromyalgia scaled

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes extreme tiredness and pain in muscles, joints and bones. The symptoms are widespread and there is no cure at this time. Though you may only hear of it affecting younger people it is also common in seniors and can often be confused with other diseases. Some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be more common in seniors. Depression, for example or sleep disturbances quite often affect those who are older and have the condition.

How can fibromyalgia symptoms be treated in seniors?

  • Cognitive problems are often common in senior patients with this disorder. Since cognitive difficulties are associated with increasing age, healthcare providers may mistake these symptoms for aging and not do a thorough investigation. Insist on proper tests to rule out fibromyalgia if you or a loved one are showing problems with cognition.
  • Exercise is one way to treat fibromyalgia. However, those with the disease are often in too much pain to exercise since movement can increase their pain. Look for other ways to exercise such as aquatics at a nearby pool or tai-chi. Low impact exercise is one way to keep moving and help your fibromyalgia symptoms.
  • Work on suitable medications. Many of the elderly are already taking multiple medications for other conditions such as high blood pressure or arthritis. They may have other diseases at the same time as fibromyalgia. Your doctor and your pharmacist can work on prescribing medications that will help you.
  • Take your rest seriously. Like other conditions, fibromyalgia is exhausting. Decide what your priorities are and get things done that are most important to you. Then rest. Remember to set a regular bedtime. Sleep problems are quite common in those with fibromyalgia, mostly due to pain.







There is still much to learn about fibromyalgia. In the meantime discover which treatments work best for you. To read more on treating fibromyalgia in seniors, click here.