Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

Monitoring vital signs in patients is a crucial part of essential care in hospitals and care facilities across North America. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “today, vital signs play an important role in emergency departments (ED)...
Caregivers are much like motocross riders. Professional motorcyclists pit themselves and their roaring machines against each other and the challenging terrain. Despite looping around the same course repeatedly, these riders often do not know what lies ahead. There may...
‘Tis the time for many of us to look ahead and plan annual goals so as to work, live, feel and/or look better. With diligence, these resolutions can bear fruit. Caregivers are certainly among those individuals who can greatly...
Home is where the heart is.  For many of us baby boomers it’s where we’re most comfortable; surrounded by the things we love in a space that is welcoming and familiar to us. The overwhelming majority of seniors wish...
Being a family caregiver rеԛuirеѕ a high level оf соmраѕѕiоn аnd personal ѕасrifiсе, аnd it’s еаѕу tо nеglесt уоur own hеаlth and intеrеѕtѕ. But in оrdеr tо be a gооd саrеgivеr, уоu muѕt рrасtiсе self-care so you remain a...
Do you agree with everything you see or hear? We all have concerns, issues and situations to deal with but it is our choice how to respond. Picking your battles can be specifically important for caregivers as you are...
In the U.S., more than one in five adults over the age of 65 is considered a ‘solo senior’ - i.e. one without a spouse or adult child. Even those with adult children sometimes have to fend for themselves because family...
Most people want to “Age in Place” as long as possible (90% according to AARP).  This involves growing older in your own home or in another residence that is more adaptable to future needs. When homes are “senior friendly”...
In senior caregiver centers, the well-being and happiness of employees are crucial for providing exceptional care to elderly residents. Unfortunately, the demanding nature of this profession, combined with the emotional challenges that arise from working closely with seniors, can...
Dehydration can occur quite easily in seniors and is not always immediately noticeable. Preventing senior dehydration and treating it can be managed with some simple steps. What are the signs of senior dehydration?  Dizziness and weakness Low blood pressure and...