Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

Every time we turn on the TV there’s some story about a new technology, gadget or breakthrough. Some are funny, like the app that adds animal noses and ears to human faces on a cell phone, and some are...
The following are some stories of how different people met their home care needs. For Jennifer, all of her home care was provided by family, friends and familiar health care providers. Francis needed a mix of family and special...
For the elderly, disabled and chronically ill, home care providers make it easier for them to stay in their homes as they age. These caregivers travel billions of miles annually to take care of patients and their families. Because...
Unknown to a lot of senior patients and their families, nursing home abuse comes in many forms, and they may very well be completely unaware of the situation for the most part. As is always the suggestion with most...
Caring for someone can be quite time consuming. Just reading the previous instructions may be enough to make you ask if you have what it takes to do this well. When I was caring for my parents, I was...
Did you get a chance to view my article on how you treat your mother as she ages? While this was based on the notion of a mother to a daughter, it truly reflected any relationship between a parent...
Caring for an aging loved one is difficult in the best of times. But the COVID-19 pandemic has made a hard task even harder. Family members caring for a loved one in their home are faced with so many...
It’s getting late, like around 11 pm when you’re supposed to be either watching the news or already in bed with a book or listening to music and nearing sleep time. The phone rings. A parent. Or both. Just to see...
End-of-life care can be an emotionally-driven experience for families. However, choosing in-home hospice care can reduce some of the stress and discomfort associated with facility-based care; both for seniors and their families.  Below, we’ve summarized six benefits families can expect...
Municipal elections will soon be held in Ontario. Though it’s important for everyone to vote, the role of seniors in each election is very important. With the growing number of older adults and seniors, their vote is a powerful...