Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

With our country’s rapidly aging population, the day may well come when you must provide (or help to provide) care for an aging parent/friend/partner. Regrettably, many potential caregivers completely disregard this fact and are caught unaware. I speak from...
Private senior care or home care fills a widening gap in needed services, especially for those who have elderly parents who need care. With waiting lists for nursing homes or long term care facilities in many areas, or loved...
We expect seniors to have some mobility problems or also disabilities as they age. It’s normal for wear and tear on our bodies to show up as we get older. But what about those seniors who have been disabled...
Family caregivers are often the unsung heroes who give their time, energy and care to support a loved one in their time of need.  According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, there are approximately 43.5 million caregivers providing unpaid care...
Before dесiding about senior housing орtiоnѕ, fоr уоurѕеlf or a relative, уоu nееd to firѕt determine if аѕѕiѕtаnсе is nееdеd, what kind and how much. Chооѕing bеtwееn home саrе and moving tо аn аѕѕiѕtеd living community or long term care...
Every time we turn on the TV there’s some story about a new technology, gadget or breakthrough. Some are funny, like the app that adds animal noses and ears to human faces on a cell phone, and some are...
Healthy diets for seniors and the chronically ill can enhance both their quality of life and physical well-being. Eating well can prevent falls as well as further health issues and it also contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. This...