Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

In the early stages of Alzheimer’s symptoms appear gradually. What may begin as an isolated incident can turn into a daily problem. Caring for a senior with Alzheimer’s takes patience and awareness. If the patient is staying in their...
Caring for someone can be quite time consuming. Just reading the previous instructions may be enough to make you ask if you have what it takes to do this well. When I was caring for my parents, I was...
Many seniors have mobility problems, leading to a lower quality of life and quite often, accidents resulting in serious consequences. Many accidents that happen to seniors involve falls, most of which lead to a loss of mobility or, in...
Did you know that October 10th is World Mental Health Day? Well it is! When you hear mental health, what comes to your mind? Millions of North Americans suffer from various forms of mental health issues, including our seniors. Senior health...
The numbers tell the true story; one-third of dementia caregivers are daughters and wives are much more likely to care for their husbands. Of more than 400,000 older Canadians living with dementia, women represent some two-thirds or 61% of...