Got aging parents at home?
While it would be lovely if everyone was always happy and healthy at all times in their lives, this is not the case. Many people find themselves in situations of need for one reason or another. Maybe they are...

Is Resale For You?

Now is a really great time to get rid of things you do not use or need any more, and your children  have already said they don’t want them!   Lots of people make a tidy profit holding a garage or...
Unlike other countries, Canada has government regulations in place to protect the rights of homeowners who take reverse mortgages. The bank will never own your home The bank can only demand the principal and interest that has accumulated over...
Our story begins with a romance involving two very lonely people, Sarah and Mace, who meet and fall in love, while Mace helps Sarah work her ranch in Wyoming. After they sell her ranch, taking very early retirement, they...
Preparing financially for your retirement is a lifelong project. That should not make you feel intimidated, rather it should make you realize that you have some time to figure things out. But there are certain goals that you should...
If just two couples' experiences can be the basis for a much larger sampling of recent traveler experiences, travel in the Covid era remains a huge headache--and unnecessarily expensive.   Our friend Bibi, 86,  recently traveled to Sweden and back and then...
While it may be uncomfortable, you are going to need a will for when you pass away or if you are ever incapacitated. This is especially true if you have children or possess many assets. One of the kindest...
I was 12 years old the summer Terry Fox ran through my hometown of Burlington, Ontario on July 13, 1980. I had heard about him on the news, so I knew who he was, but he definitely wasn’t very...
Let’s face it, as wonderful as retirement can be, it can also easily become boring at times, especially if you’re winding down from an active career or lifestyle. Some seniors idle the hours away in front of the television...
You've been hearing about it now for months. Thanks to increasing vaccination rates, the world is finally getting back to traveling. Naturally, people are jumping at the opportunity. And, more specifically, many baby boomers – the subset of the...