Got aging parents at home?


Money, numbers, bills, bills, cost of living, new expenses, debt, savings.
Financial questions for caregivers and seniors can be quite simple yet seem endless.
Do you know how much money is available to provide care, if needed? Do you know how much homecare services cost? Do you know how much long term care costs?
What about end of life expenses, we don’t even want to think about that but we should. Who will handle these? Is there money for these? If not, who will pay?
Then there are senior scams all over the place. Seems like some solid financial advice is needed!

Financial fraud is when someone deceives you in order to take anything of value. This can include money or property. Financial fraud committed by a stranger quite often is done under guise of selling you something. It will look...
We all want to leave our loved ones with a sizable inheritance if we can.  We often spend hours combing through the best life insurance and death benefit policies.  We meet with lawyers and accountants to find the best...
Great question! There is so much uncertainty these days on the various pension plans (or lack of) amongst various countries. The CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) has been under debate for decades now. So the question of the day is,...
The average retirement age in America is 62. You might be amazed to find that people aren’t waiting until 65, but you really shouldn’t be. It really shouldn’t be a shock – people’s health starts to falter, and partial...
Last month Mortgage Trends received an email from a distraught client who had just received a letter from his mortgage lender letting him know his mortgage maturing in just five months would NOT BE RENEWED!             Another family complained that their mortgage...
We will all face retirement someday (a fact); thus, saving is the only way to safeguard the future. The money will come in handy when you aren’t in a position to work anymore. However, saving demands a lot of...
Many people think the only time an appraisal is necessary is when they are dealing with an estate and this just isn’t the case.  Being a professional organizer and downsizing specialist has given me years of experience working with...
Health insurance helps millions of Americans afford the high healthcare costs in the country. In fact, over 90% of the American population is covered by some type of health insurance. Having health insurance is not only important for saving...
Unlike other countries, Canada has government regulations in place to protect the rights of homeowners who take reverse mortgages. The bank will never own your home The bank can only demand the principal and interest that has accumulated over...
Are we expecting the our next generation to love the same things we once or do love?             We have some friends that have a very large collection of kerosene lamps. Some are sterling silver and some are cranberry glass and...