Got aging parents at home?
Tax season is here. Some seniors have their income tax prepared by a tax preparation company For those who do their own taxes make sure you don’t miss any deductions. Using tax software can help but check to see...
For seniors who are thinking of downsizing or relocating in retirement, the question always comes down to rent or buy. Some seniors may be selling their family home and others may have rented for years but still the question...
Look at any large city in Canada and you will notice the number of condos being built. Condo living has become a way to use less space to house more people. Many seniors purchase or rent condos after selling...
Moving into a new residence quite often means downsizing. For many seniors who owned a family home, a smaller home, apartment or senior residence fits their time of life much better. Getting rid of many used up and old...
The number of homeless seniors in Canada and other “wealthy” countries is rising. As of 2016 those over 50 accounted for more than 41 percent of the homeless in Canada. Many see this as a trend since the overall...
Even in some of the best and most expensive senior living communities, the meals are mediocre at best. High prices can far outweigh the nutritional value of the meals. Quite often meals are small, tasteless and unappetizing. Seniors who...
Among the pantheon of not-completely-happy alternatives to living out your life in your own home (which most of us really wish to do) are Assisted Living Facilities (ALF’s).  In some ways I think this approach of ALF’s is definitely old...
ESTATE LIQUIDATORS RELIEVE OVERWHELM It takes a team to liquidate an estate; it’s too much for one person to do.  So why not let professional estate liquidators help you?             Trying to take on estate liquidation alone is an exercise in frustration...
Providing care for an aging loved one or a person with disabilities is challenging but also rewarding. Caregivers have the chance to ensure their loved one's quality of life is the best it can be by assisting with activities of...
Many seniors have grown up with the idea of automatically purchasing life insurance. The main reason for having it was in case of the loss of a family member who was also the family breadwinner. Without any income the...