Got aging parents at home?
Keeping busy once you retire can seem difficult, especially at first. If you’ve retired from a job, you will probably miss the schedule and the time spent with other people. Suddenly, you have hours each day that need to...
We are often asked by seniors why they need to put personal pictures away. Our reply is, “Most people spend about six minutes looking at a home and you want them to focus on the benefits of your home....
It can be so easy to spend years, if not decades, in the same home getting annoyed at the same old issues. Committing to fixing these problems and spending the money on upgrades can often seem like something that...
There have always been standards in the amount of money you will need to retire. Different people have various ways of figuring out how much you will need, depending on your present income and your expenditures. There are many...
What image springs to mind when you think of the word ‘entrepreneur’? It’s probably a tech-savvy person in their 20s, or perhaps even someone who’s still a college student sitting in a hoodie knocking back energy drinks as they...
If you are nearing retirement, congratulations! You have almost reached a major milestone, a goal for which you have been striving most, if not all, of your adult life. This gives you the opportunity to celebrate and take advantage...
Image credit  Let’s face it. We all know why you’ve put off estate planning for this long. You don’t want to think about your death. And there is no shame in that. Death is scary! But so is the prospect of leaving...
Seniors understand better than anyone else just how important it is to think about the next generation, ensuring that children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren are positioned for success. One way to secure a brighter future for your loved ones...
There comes a time when many of us have living decisions to make, either for ourselves or for a loved one. If it’s a parent, living on their own may no longer be the best option. They need more...
Great question! There is so much uncertainty these days on the various pension plans (or lack of) amongst various countries. The CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) has been under debate for decades now. So the question of the day is,...