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As we grow older, we must take some extra precautions so that we remain safe. Since most of the time we spend is in our houses, these four tips and tricks for eliminating injuries at home should be helpful.

Exercise and Stay Strong

The best preventative measure to avoid injuries is staying strong, mobile, and agile. Physical movement is such a blessing for our health in a handful of ways. It allows us to circumvent situations where we could get seriously injured. Staying active also promotes our bodies’ healing processes when injuries happen, which is possible no matter your age.

Install Safety Gear

Another tip for eliminating injuries at home is to put up safety railings and equipment around the house. For example, getting in and out of the shower can be slippery. Therefore, the shower is the perfect place to put up some handles. Another situation that poses a risk is moving in and out of an attic. Luckily, there are attic lifts that you can install to make this process less dangerous.

Clean Up Clutter

Having a cluttered home poses a hazard in a handful of ways. Essentially, you are leaving out items that you can trip over or slide on. Cleaning up makes your home a safer and more stable place. Additionally, putting things away helps keep your space more inviting and makes it easier for guests or caretakers to find items when they visit.

Make Your Home Slip Proof 

Similarly, it’s also crucial that you eliminate any slipping dangers on the floor. For example, you can affix slip-proof tape to the bottoms of rugs to keep them from catching on your feet when you walk past them. Another thing that would make a huge difference is taping down any loose wires in the house. Not only can wires cause falls, but they may also bring down whatever else they connect to with them, whether that’s a bookshelf, TV, or desktop computer.

There are many ways you can adapt your lifestyle or change things around at home to make it safer. It’s worth it for you and your loved ones to follow these tips.