
Spring has finally arrived. Depending on what area of the country you live in, there are certain things you can do now to get ready for spring and the warmer weather. Though most of the suggestions below are for those living in a house, apartment dwellers can take some of the indoor tips and use those to get ready for spring.

What needs to be done outdoors?

Many of us like to start with the outside of our homes or our yards as soon as weather permits.

• Rake up leaves and debris that have collected over the winter months.
• Check the foundation, roof and windows for any repairs that need to be completed. Clean the windows or arrange for a window cleaner.
• Depending on where you live, start preparing your garden for planting in the next month or two.
• Store the outdoor snow and sports equipment for the season and bring out the barbecue,  lawn furniture and any decorations you will use outside.
• Make a list of any seeds, bulbs, plants and other items related to your garden.
• Don’t forget your vehicle. Now is the time for a spring check up and removal of winter tires.

Don’t forget the inside of your house or apartment!

Getting the inside of our homes ready for spring means different things to each of us.

• Spring is the time to do any painting that needs to be completed indoors, before the weather becomes too humid.
• Pack away all those winter clothes and blankets and bring out the lighter bed linens and the summer clothes.
• Freshen your house by cleaning drapes and blinds, giving everything a good dusting and polishing.
• Swap out dark colored throws and pillows for lighter and brighter colors.
• Check that your air conditioners and fans are working properly.
• If your home is prone to summer insects or spiders, make sure all cracks are filled. Use natural products such as citrus oils to repel spiders and other insects.
• Put away the heavy tablecloths and find bright colored placemats for the table. The same goes for tableware. Lighter is always nicer for the summer.

Warmer weather means a more carefree way of living for most of us. We want to enjoy the outdoors as much as we can while the days are long. Figure out what works best for you and keep it simple over the warmer months.