Mental Health
Mental Health

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Do you work for late hours, or do your kids keep you awake till late at night?

Sleep and mental health are closely related. Mental issues can harm sleep, and likewise, poor sleep can hurt mental health. Sleep problems can bring negative thoughts, anxiety, and psychotic disorders.

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Almost 70 million Americans suffer from stress and anxiety, which have become a part of their daily lifestyle. The matters become worse when anxiety starts sabotaging the general well-being. Unlike physical disorders, mental disorders can be challenging to manage. However, following the right treatment methods, medications, and therapies can help fight anxiety and sleep disorders. Most of the time, over-the-counter medications can take a lot of time and leave behind their side effects on the body, which is why people turn to herbal remedies. Cannabidiol(CBD) is a plant-based remedy that can potentially relieve people from anxiety and sleep disorders.

Keep reading to learn further about cannabidiol and how it can help in enhancing mental health.



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Cannabidiol is one of the most prevalent compounds found in the hemp plant and is non-intoxicating in nature. Though it comes from the marijuana plant, CBD doesn’t cause the feeling of “high,” unlike THC, which gives a euphoria. CBD has been known for a range of health issues like pain, appetite, skincare, sleep disorders, and mental health. Below are the ways how CBD can help in treating mental issues.

How CBD treats Sleep Disorders, Stress, and Anxiety:

Below are the mental health issues that CBD can help.

1. Improves Cognitive Skills

One of the most crucial bodily functions that stress can take a big toll on is the person’s cognitive skills. According to a journal, long term stress and anxiety can harm the memory, concentration, and focus of a person. Cannabidiol can help improve cognitive skills.

Lack of sleep and increased stress damages the cognitive center of the brain, also called the hippocampus. As per an Oxford article, CBD can interact with the brain to initiate neuroplasticity and have a positive effect on cognitive ability. Neurogenesis helps in the creation of nerve cells in the brain’s hippocampus.

Therefore, consuming CBD sublingually, placing a few drops under the tongue can be effective in alleviating stress-related cognitive symptoms. If you are from British Columbia, Canada, you can search for bc dispensary online to know about CBD products and how to use them.

2. Sound sleep

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Adequate sound sleep is vital for the healthy functioning of the mind and body. It keeps the mind relaxed and rejuvenated by promoting the growth of brain cells. Unfortunately, stress can hinder the sleep cycle, making it challenging to engage in daily activities. Inadequate sleep is also the reason behind stress, anxiety, and depression. Plant-based remedy, cannabidiol, can help improve the sleep cycle.

A review suggests that CBD might aid in sleep latency, i.e., it fastens the ability of a person to fall asleep from a wakeful state. CBD can improve the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep cycle that prevents the onset of nightmares and activities like kicking or jumping in response to dreams. Consuming CBD can encourage a deep sleep cycle that is beneficial for the development of the brain.

One can vape CBD before going to bed at night to experience improved and quicker sleep. While vaping, the vapors of CBD enter the lungs and blood directly, which instantly shows the results. For best results, vape half an hour before bedtime.

3. Bipolar Disorder

Extreme mood shifts that a person experiences ranging from mania to depression is known as bipolar disorder. People with this disorder find it difficult to handle work and relationships. Although there is no complete treatment for this mental illness, cannabidiol can help manage its symptoms.

Cannabidiol’s antioxidant and neuroprotective qualities help reduce the symptoms and enhance normal brain functions. The CBD cannabinoid interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to promote sleep cycles, stress, and emotional responses. As per the research conducted on participants with bipolar disorder, patients showed remarkable improvements after taking CBD for several weeks. Another in vitro study states that CBD can combat symptoms by a heightened antioxidant defense against oxidative stress and free radical damage.

Thus, CBD’s use as a dietary supplement can regulate mood and emotions by interacting with the ECS.

4. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a mental illness that afflicts at least 10 percent of people during their lifetime. It develops due to a traumatic experience like an accident, loss of a loved one, or abuse. People with PTSD showcase varied symptoms like fear, misery, and reckless conduct. Over-the-counter medications can help in PTSD, but they do have side-effects like nausea, dizziness, insomnia, headache, and substance abuse. That is why cannabidiol can be a safe treatment option without any side-effects.

Researchers suggest that cannabidiol can considerably alleviate horrible dreams and flashbacks. It can also disrupt fears associated with a memory, which helps in gradually overcoming stress and anxiety. It imbibes calmness in the body, reducing panic attacks and compulsiveness in people. The signaling of ECS in people with PTSD disrupts due to the deficiency of mood-enhancing endocannabinoids. CBD can trigger the release of mood-uplifting chemicals like serotonin in the brain.Taking a drop of powerful, potent 1500mg CBD tincture oil can ease the PTSD symptoms.

5. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

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ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that generates during childhood and lasts until adulthood. It is usual for kids to have trouble focusing, which is why it isn’t easy to recognize it early. They may have temper tantrums, fidgeting, difficulty finishing tasks, daydreaming, and forgetfulness. Cannabidiol can help in managing the symptoms of ADHD.

CBD interacts with the receptors in the body to minimize anxiety and hyperactivity. Another research, conducted on rodents with hyperactivity and reduced attention span, revealed that the rodents started behaving normally when ingested with cannabidiol.


Living with a mental illness can be challenging, but using a herbal dietary supplement can work wonders. All the above mentioned mental illness symptoms are manageable using certain medications. CBD from provides a safer natural alternative to over-the-counter medicines. However, a lot of the data available today on CBD is still subject to ongoing research. So, before taking CBD, consult a health professional to understand the right dosage for your body. CBD is an innocuous and effective supplement to improve general well-being.