Are You Only as Old as You Feel?
Study after study has been done on aging, testing both middle aged and senior adults. The results are in. You really are the age you feel. Older seniors and...
Signia Challenges Hearing Aid Stigma with New Styletto IX and Insio IX Models that...
Two new hearing aid form factors join the award-winning Integrated Xperience platform, offering hearing aid wearers an expanded range of stylish, discreet solutions that deliver unprecedented speech clarity and...
Retired & Restless: Educational Adventures Await!
For educators, retirement marks the culmination of years spent nurturing young minds and fostering a love of learning. While the freedom and well-deserved break are welcome, a lingering thirst...
How to Save Money When You’re 60-plus
The increasing cost of living means it’s essential to make your money stretch further. Thankfully, if you’re aged 60 and over, there are a huge amount of over 60s...
I’m on “77 Sunset Strip”– Hopefully I won’t be sunsetting soon
I had a birthday recently--I'm 77, and for those who remember the ancient tv series I've been saying I'm on "77 Sunset Strip" just to be amusing. Hopefully, I...
Between 65 And Death, An Excellent List For Aging
Unfortunately we can't give credit to this wonderful list for aging (so we apologize in advance to whomever created it). This list was forwarded to us via email with...
Senior Romance
Many younger people feel romance is just for them. They can’t imagine older adults or seniors having anything that resembles romantic feelings. But actually the opposite is true. The...