SLM Independence Driving scaled

Driving the Car: A Major Symbol of Independence for the Elderly

How many years have your parents been driving? Maybe 40 years? Fifty? Sixty? However long, just like for all of us, it’s a major symbol of independence for the elderly. It’s...
SLM Talks to Seniors Eating Habits scaled

Mystery Solved- Why Senior Eating Habits Change!

You often hear that our eating habits and food choices change with age. The teenage junk food phase often changes to healthy choices as we enter adulthood and have...
SLM Caregiver Crisis Burnout scaled

Startling Report on Family Caregiver Crisis

Did you know that there are literally millions of family caregivers across North America? How many millions? Oh about 17+.  Ranging in age from 20 years old and up. Because...
SLM Shares Avoid a Family Fued Information scaled

Avoid A Family Feud By Using A Personal Property Memo

When it comes to writing a Will or a Trust, most of us think we know what to include. Real estate? Check. Investments? Check. Expensive jewelry? Check. All those are important...
LTC image scaled

5 Mandated Changes to Long Term Care Facilities

We have been sharing many articles about senior housing needs including assisted living and long term care facilities. All part of senior living and senior well-being. The Centers for Medicare &...

The Ahhhs of Autumn

It’s just around the corner. Cooler temperatures and autumn colors. It’s the favourite time of year for many and there are ways senior citizens can get ready for the...
SLM Leave it for the Kids to Deal With scaled

“I’ll Leave it for My Children to DEAL WITH “

In twenty years I have often heard “They will carry me out in a box!” I then ask, ” What about all the STUFF you have accumulated?” Their reply often is,...